“Exercise is so good for you,” announced Ricky Rectangle. At least that is what the SHAPELS® tried to tell Tommy Triangle. He was always too busy playing games on his tablet and never got any exercise outdoors. “Put down that tablet, Tommy, and MOVE around!” shouted Suzy Square.
But Tommy Triangle just ignored her.

The SHAPELS® had fun playing all kinds of sports – football, basketball, soccer, baseball and tennis.

NOT Tommy Triangle! Whenever his friends asked him to join them, he just shook his head and said, “NO THANK YOU. I AM TOO BUSY,” and would go back to playing games on his tablet.

But his SHAPEL friends never gave up on him. “Maybe one day Tommy Triangle will  realize  how important exercise is for your bones, heart and muscles,” said Cindy Circle. They always made an effort to include Tommy in whatever they were doing, but he would always reply: “NO THANK YOU. I AM TOO BUSY.”

Suzy Square and Cindy Circle stayed in shape by playing tennis 5 days a week.

Otto Oval loved to play baseball and work out at the Geometric Gym.

Debbie Diamond and Ricky Rectangle were runners. They competed in local marathons and ran completely around SHAPELTOWN® 7 days a week to stay in shape. On rainy days when they could not run outside, they used the treadmill and lifted weights at the Gym.

One day Suzy Square called Cindy Circle and said that she was not feeling well. Cindy would have to find someone else to play tennis. The rest of the SHAPELS® had other plans, so Cindy Circle decided to take a chance and ask Tommy Triangle even though she knew he would probably say: “NO THANK YOU. I AM TOO BUSY.”

To her surprise, however, Tommy Triangle put his tablet down and said, “Sure, that would be great! I am getting so tired of playing these video games! Can you loan me a tennis racket?” “Absolutely,” said Cindy Circle. “Meet me at the SHAPELTOWN® tennis court in ten minutes.”

The first game was over very quickly. Cindy Circle had no idea that Tommy Triangle was such a great tennis player!  He was amazing — he actually won the first two games, and Cindy Circle won the last two. They played 4 games all together.

( 2 + 2 = 4 )

“This was so much fun,” said Tommy Triangle. “Thanks for asking me to fill in for Suzy Square, Cindy. I enjoyed it more than sitting and playing video games all day. Ricky Rectangle was right when he said, ‘Exercise is so good for you.’ I feel great!”

The next day Ricky Rectangle got all of the SHAPELS® together. He wanted to start a “SHAPELTOWN® Running Club” just like the ones they read about in their hometown of Derby, Connecticut.

To everyone’s surprise, Tommy Triangle was the first SHAPEL to sign up.

And guess who turned out to be the fastest runner? Would you believe it was Tommy Triangle? His friends could not keep up with him.

From then on, Tommy Triangle ran seven days a week and worked out at the Geometric Gym. Sometimes on a rainy day he would play one or two video games, but he had much more fun exercising and running with his SHAPEL friends.

“Remember to eat healthy foods, exercise and NEVER EVER give up on your friends!” said Cindy Circle.